I love it when you have guests in your craft room. Well my best friend wanted to make a frame for her brother for a Christmas gift. He had met his all time favorite soccer team, and she wanted to make a frame to capture his memory forever. She had never played with the Silhouette Cameo and she wanted to see what it could do, so over she came and here is what we came up with. 

So her brother lives in Portland and the Timbers are the team of record there and he is a HUGE fan, so when he was flying one time he happen to be on a flight with the entire team. Well out came the camera, Smile, focus, say cheese and now you have a memory!! So that is what we had to start with. We knew we needed to base the entire thing of of the Portland Timbers logo. Now when importing logos into your Silhouette Cameo the important thing is size. The bigger the file size, the better for me! The higher quality means you are getting more detail and better graphics. Here is the graphics I used for the logo. I just saved it to my desktop and imported it into my designer edition software.

So in the top of the frame we used the logo. I imported this into the software and used the Print and Cut feature which is my favorite feature of the software. We found some coordinating paper for the background and raised up the logo with some foam squares. 

Of course in the middle of the frame is the picture that the whole frame is based off. However I wanted to break up the frame a little and incorporate a soccer ball somehow into the frame and what a better way than at the bottom of the picture, almost as in a border. So i found this cute cut in the Silhouette Online Store:

Once again this is raised up by foam squares. I really liked how this broke up the frame and incorporated the colors into the picture to tie the whole idea together. 

As for the bottom of the frame I wanted to feature the players somehow. Looking through the Silhouette Online store i found some really cute soccer players:

I cute these guys and then using the offset feature in the silhouette designer edition program, I made an offset at .25. The entire frame elements I wanted to make oversized as not to fit in the frame components. I really like how this idea turned out!! 

Well Christmas morning came and he opened the gift and loved it!!! Now he has a memory to look at forever!! And better yet I have the memory of sharing my craft room with my best friend, and lets be honest those are the best moments we get in life!!

Ken's Kreations

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1 comment:

  1. I'mvjealous Ken - I wish I had more free time to have friends in my craft space…maybe when all our kiddos are older.


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