It happens to the best of us...we get old! After 21, many of us start losing count. Well that was the inspiration of this card. My brother is 4 years older than me and I wanted to make a bright, fun and funny card. On the front i used the Word Collage cartridge and printed out the Superhero themed collage. I affixed it on white paper and took some yellow ink and highlighted the sides. I matted it with some black paper and put it on foam squares with a star glitter background. The sentiment on the front is to say that these birthdays are beating him up. On the inside I took the Birthday Bash cartridge for the candle and the sentiment i got off of Life's a Party cartridge. I used the Base Camp font cartridge for the "?". Super fun, colorful and funny. He loved it!!

Cartridges Used: 

Superhero Themed Collage: 

Cricut Cartridge Word Collage


Cricut Cartridge Base Camp - page 90/keypad button 9


Cricut Cartridge Birthday Bash - page 52/keypad button 32

What's One More?: 

Cricut Cartridge Life Is A Party - page 68/keypad button 48

Paper Used: 

Birthday Extravaganza Glitter Paper Pack

Ken's Kreations

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