I finally got to the opportunity to compare the design software of the Cricut explore and silhouette cameo. With the Cricut explore it comes with an ONLINE based software called Design Space. Design Space comes with the ability to import .svg into their cloud base system for free. The Silhouette Cameo comes with the Standard Silhouette Studio software. You are able to purchase the designer edition of this software, which gives you the ability to upload .svg files into your files. This is a one time cost of anywhere between 25-40 dollars. Even though you need to be online to download the software and your images, you are able to use the program and cut offline and this DOES NOT require an internet connection.  I wanted to clarify this before you watch the video so you knew exactly which software I was comparing. In this video I will show you other comparisons of the two software's, the subscription services, and why I feel one is a better option at this point. This is a long video so feel free to fast forward parts that you do not feel you need to watch, however, I had a lot to cover in the comparison when looking at what both of the companies offer. 

* Please note I am comparing the software as of 03/12/2014. Cricut has stated that they are currently working on upgrades and additions to their software. However I am reviewing this software as "out of the box" and what they currently offer to the consumer and not what they are promising the customer.

Ken's Kreations

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  1. Thanks you so much for posting this promptly. After watching your first comparison I was ready to run out and buy an Explore. Now, I think I will wait to see how fast the improvements come. I don't understand why Cricut is not taking advantage of the technology that is available. They should have produced software far and above Silhouette since they are playing catch up. I am very impressed with the machines capabilities but not with the software. Thanks for saving me some money.

  2. Ken, you just confirmed everything that I was thinking about Design Space. I sold all my cricut stuff but still have access to my 300+ carts via Design Space and was wondering if I should get this machine to be able to cut those images. After watching your video, it's not worth it to me. My cameo and SIL software does everything that I want to do especially the print and cut features - my fav. For now, I will stop wondering if I should spend the $ and just stick with what I have. Great job on the video.

  3. It kind of figures Cricuit would not allow you to own the image,so if I had a image for a card say in March,If I wanted to use it in Dec I would have to rent it again.I love the freedom I have with the Cameo and Designer Edition.
    Thanks for you videos,love them and you explain things so well
    Blessings Jocelan

  4. Thank you so much for this video Ken! I don't have either machines YET. But now know that if I purchase the Explore it won't be until further editing updates are available. I am very interested in the SIL machine features. I sold many of my 100+ cricut cartridges last year when I sold my pink Expression. But I have since bought the green Expression and have a couple of physical carts and a handful of digi carts in the CCR. I am one of the "simple" type of scrapbookers and really don't need or am interested in making my own images. I do love the cut features on the Explore! So I guess time will tell on which way I go down the road. If I do ever decide to go with the SIL this video of yours will definitely be the one I go to in learning how to use alot of the features on it in the editing!! Thanks again!! :)

  5. Thank you Ken for the review. As a busy working mom, I don't really have time for editing and creating. Therefore, Cricut DS is for me :)

  6. Thank you for your very candid review on both machines and software. I already own 5 other cricuts and a Cameo with Designer's Edition software. I will wait and see what PC comes up with after the upgrade before I decide to buy. At this point, my Cameo cuts everything perfectly.

  7. Great straight-forward and informative video, Ken. Thank you for that. I know people who will love the Design Space because they are not real computer people, and don't want to think about stepping out of the box. But, more and more people are becoming more computer literate, and control is what we want. That's why so many people have left the Cricut family. I certainly want to own the images I pay for, and to do with them anything I choose. I would be very uncomfortable feeling locked into a subscription in order to use images that I paid for. I just don't see the logic in that. And, to work on-line all of the time totally turns me off to the cutter. Another concept that is way too controlling for me. But, with all of that, I am glad that those Cricut owners will now be able to utilize SVG files. That's a HUGE benefit to them. Just wondering. Once you organize your svg project, can you save the project you set up on your computer? Or only on the cloud? So you can never take it to another program because it's stuck there? Thanks for all of your hard work. It's a great video and answers a lot of questions. Will definitely stick to my non-Cricut cutting machine.

  8. Things get even more interesting if you throw the Sizzix eclips into the ring. It has cartridges - much like the Cricut Expression. It also has software, eCAL, which is similar to Silhouette Studio. And a handheld controller similar to the Gypsy.

  9. Thanks for the talent and information you share. Could the knife feature in the Silhouette software be used to create large projects like trees for the wall or perhaps a large bike? Would love to see a tutorial on something like that as I work with a lot of military families who live in leased or rented homes and are not allowed to make permanent changes to the walls. Thanks!

  10. Thanks for the talent and information you share. Could the knife feature in the Silhouette software be used to create large projects like trees for the wall or perhaps a large bike? Would love to see a tutorial on something like that as I work with a lot of military families who live in leased or rented homes and are not allowed to make permanent changes to the walls. Thanks!


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