Well tis the season for Grads and Dads and now that my Grad projects are done I need to turn my attention to my dad project. PPBN DESIGNS just released a new image that was perfect for the vision of the card I had in mind:

I knew I wanted to make a card that had a Minion on it and the inside of the card it says " Dad you are one in a MINION". This project was so easy with my CRICUT EXPLORE, and took only 15 minutes to make. I used the new TALL MINION FILE from PPBN Designs and using Design Space just imported it using the Vector File and cut him at 5.5 inches tall. For the border I used the Cricut® Art Philosophy Collection for the frame behind the minion. this cartridge is amazing and offers so many amazing options. 

I used my favorite tools to complete the project. To give the TALL MINION some color I used the DEW DROP INK and DAUBERS. To make him pop of the card I used 3D FOAM DOTS. For his glasses I used the METALLIC SILVER PENS to make his glasses shine. 

Thanks for taking a look at todays project. Make sure to come back soon to see what Kreation I come up with next.

Ken's Kreations

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