Hey Everyone! Ken here with Ken's Kreations.

Many of you know that I love my cutting machines, and about a year ago I did a video comparing the Cricut Explore to the  Cricut Expression 2. If you have not seen this video make sure to take a look at this video at the bottom to this post. Since this video I have been asked many time to make a video comparing the Cricut Explore to the Cricut Expression.

In this video we will take a look at the Cricut Explore and Cricut Expression machines and compare each machine on how they:

1) Score
2) Cut
3) Write/Draw
4) Cut Settings
5) Layered Images
6) Text

Then I will take a closer look on why you should upgrade to the Cricut Explore from the Cricut Expression. Why? Well, the Cricut Expression simply cannot do some of the capabilities that the  Cricut Explore can do! I will share these in the video:

My first Cricut machine was the Cricut Expression, and I was very happy with this machine until I upgraded to the Cricut Explore. Why? Because the  Cricut Explore was designed for the user in mind. Gone are the days of having cheat sheets of material cut settings! You no longer needs to worry about  bringing out your handbooks to ensure you have all of your layers for your projects. The Cricut Explore was built to do all of this for you!

Turn Ordinary Into Extraordinary With Your Cricut Explore:

Can I Cut That With My Cricut Expression?

Can Your Cricut Expression Cut Those Tiny Disney Cartridge Cuts? The Cricut Explore Can!

Design Space Is Cricut Craft Room On Steroids...Seriously! It Is Amazing!

Do They Have A Cricut Cartridge For That Image? Cricut Explore Use Your Own Images! 

I have been a HUGE fan of my Cricut Explore and I have been very impressed with the limits of this machine and what it is capable of. Don't just take my word for it, take a look at a long time Cricut user who has used EVER cricut machien out there!  I highly suggest that you check out Okieladybug's Explore One Review Series where she puts this machine through a rigorous test.



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Ken's Kreations

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