Hey everyone! Ken here with Ken's Kreations and in today's post I am joining the craze of Pokemon GO!

The WORLD is obsessed with Pokemon Go! I am sure by now all of you have heard about this craze, and if not consider yourself lucky. This phone application is based on the hit 90's cartoon Pokemon and it has taken the world by storm. I got the chance one family event to download and play the game. Even though I did not find it fun to play, my nieces and nephews were addicted to it and thus I was given all the Pokemon lingo. As birthdays came around it was natural for me to make a Pokemon theme card and due to my recent education I knew a successful Pokemon player was one who was prepared with eh right Pokemon balls. With this knowledge I knew the perfect card to make!

I was able to make this card using Basic Shapes in Cricut Design Space. One of the great features of owning a Cricut Design Space is the ability to use their FREE SOFTWARE that comes equipped with Cricut Design Space. When you use the free basic shapes in conjunction with the Slice and Weld Feature you can make almost any design you want. 

Here is the file I created. You can get this file if you are one of my current Patreon. Patreons who support me have access to files, SVG's, Free Content, Early Access to Videos, Access to a secret Facebook group, and MORE! All of this for supporting Ken's Kreations

Once you have the file or created the file all you need to do is the following steps:

1) Cut the file using your Cricut Explore Machine on Color Cardstock
2) The Cricut Explore will write the sentiment onto the card using Cricut Pens
3) Assemble the pieces using the Xyron Sticker Maker
4) Raise them up from the base card using Foam Squares
5) Use a Silver Pen on the center of the Pokemon Balls
6) Give to the recipient and soak in the smile on their face!

I am obsessed with how this card turned out! I hope you enjoy it just as much as the recipient did!
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