Hey everyone! Ken here with Ken's Kreations.

Recently I reviewed the Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine, to watch this video CLICK HERE. Upon these videos released the comment poured in asking about the differences in the Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine and the Cricut Explore Air. Of course the big question on everyone's mind is how fast the Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine compared to the Cricut Explore Air. Well, I am happy to present my findings!

Now in this video I show you the difference in the body style, features, speed, and sound. The big difference in these machines is the Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine features the "fast mode", which allows you to cut, score and write 2X faster when using card stock, vinyl and iron-on. Let's see how each of these machines performed!

Want To See A Specific Topic:
Body Style Difference
Difference In Features
Fast Mode
Speed Tests
Cardstock Speed Test
Iron-On Speed Test
Vinyl Speed Test
Machine Sound Test
Final Thoughts

So as you can see the Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine is faster. This is in part due to the new Cut Smart 2" technology, which allows the machine to cut faster. Now keep in mind, Cricut states this machine is UP TO 2X as fast. In my tests, however in my tests I never saw the double speed. I believe this has to do with the items being cut and how complicated they are. So how does Cricut Design Space know to activate the faster speed? Well, when you set you smart dial to Cardstock, Vinyl or Iron-on on the Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine you will see the following:

Once I did test the machines and verified that the Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine is faster, I had some additional questions. My initial thoughts were that the machine would not be as proficient on intricate cuts. Since the machines are moving faster, it would suffer in this area. This is not the case as you can see in this photo.

This photo was shared by a Cricut User to the CEO Facebook Page. In THIS LINK you can see how the user set up the cuts and what card stock they used. As you can seem, the Cricut Explore Air 2  delivered the precision results we have all come to expect from the Cricut Explore Family.

Now in my test I did find that the Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine is louder than the Cricut Explore Air. To hear the differences in these machines CLICK HERE. You can really hear the differences when the housing unit is moving across the mat. 

During the filming of my YouTube video I noticed something I was not expecting. During the Carstock Speed Test I decided to use the write feature. Both the Cricut Explore Air 2  and Cricut Explore Air used the .04 Cricut Fine Tip Pen and Cricut White Cardstock. At first I of course noticed the Difference In Speed when using the draw feature. However, I also noted that the original  Cricut Explore Air produces thicker lines than that I saw on the Cricut Explore Air 2. The only thing I can attribute this to is the amount of time the Cricut Fine Tip Pen stayed on the Cricut White Cardstock. Since the original Cricut Explore Air moved slower, this gave the pen more time to absorb into the cardstock. Take a look at the MINOR difference below.

So if you are still deciding on which machine you should go with, I highly recommend subscribing to my YouTube Channel where I post a ton of different machine and non-crafty reviews to help you with decide. If you know you would like to purchase one of the  Cricut Explore Family Machines, take a peek at this:
Now I do have a video showing the differences in the  Cricut Explore Family Machines. In this video I compare the machine that started it all, Original Green Cricut Explore to the Cricut Explore One and the Cricut Explore Air

Well I hope these videos helped you decide which  Cricut Explore machine is the BEST one for you. When looking at the difference between the Cricut Explore Air and Cricut Explore Air 2 it comes down to a very simple disticntion:

1) Would you like a machine that is faster, but a little louder? (Cricut Explore Air 2)
2) Would you like a quieter machine that takes a little longer to cut? (Cricut Explore Air)

Your answer will lead you to the best Explore Air machine for you! For me I always will choose speed over the sound. Also, once you have the speed in a machine you will never want to look back!!

Make sure you do not miss out on the video by subscribing to my YouTube Channel by Clicking Here.

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Ken's Kreations

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