Hey Everyone! Ken here with Ken's Kreations teaming up with Dr Phil Scraps to inspire you with another project. 

This project is very near and dear to my heart. I was very close to my mom and sadly I lost her in 2004 to lung cancer. Christmas time reminds us of family and friends and gives us the opportunity to remember the ones we lost. What a better way to remember someone than to make a picture frame and feature it with one a partial of one of my favorite poems. The Frosted Paper Packet and Frosted My Stickease® Assortment colors were a perfect option for this project. I wanted soft colors to compliment the mood of the project. I did not want to get to many elements with this project so it is pretty simple, as I wanted the focus of the project to be on the poem and my mom. 

I started with a frame template that I got from an online store. I used the Frosted Paper Packet for all the paper in the project. The elements all came from the Frosted My Stickease® Assortment. I do not own the rights to the poem and did not right the poem. This is just an excerpt from the poem. You can find the entire poem and purchase the poem and other items at

On the left side of the frame I featured the poem. I used the Frosted My Stickease® Assortment. The top portion of the frame is raised up using 3-D Foam Tape and i used some Stardust Glitz™ Glitter Gel. along the frame to give it some shine and sparkle. The snowflakes came from the Frosted My Stickease® Assortment and to give them some extra sparkle I used Stardust Glitz™ Glitter Gel along the snowflakes. 

The right side of the frame is to feature the picture of your loved one, in the case my mom. This side features all the same detail as the other side except the elements are different. The Beautiful sentiment and the three stars all came from the  Frosted My Stickease® Assortment. I raised all 4 of these elements up using 3-D Foam Tape. On the stars I added some gems which I got from the Sparkles Brown & Tan Assortment.

This was a simple yet elegant way to say I love you and I miss you to my mom. It is a great decoration to put out during the holidays to help include the people we have lost but not forgotten! 

Thanks For Looking Today!!

Ken's Kreations

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